Prelos™ Community Systems (STEP)
Prelos™ stands for 'Pressurised Liquid Only Sewer' also known as a STEP system. Prelos™ systems use on-lot pumped septic tanks to deliver filtered household wastewater to a private wastewater treatment system or council sewer.
Communities and developers around the world struggle with wastewater collection and treatment issues. In many areas, gravity sewer systems are too costly. We have installed our technology in over 70 communities and sub-divisions around NZ. Our technology has enabled developers to create communities where they would not previously have been able to because it was not feasible or possible to connect to a council system. Additionally, having a centralised treatment plant eliminates the need for land disposal on each lot which reduces minimum section sizes.
Our community treatment plants can also be installed in stages as the development grows, to help reduce initial capital outlay.
Innoflow can easily provide an estimation of costs for your feasibility - please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.
The Prelos™ Processor - Complete, high-quality package
• Compatible, long-lifespan components
• Minimal inventory requirements
• Easy to maintain
• Low power consumption
• Unique meander tank design for superior solids removal
Prelos Sewers dramatically reduce short-term and long-term wastewater treatment costs for communities and developers. In fact, liquid-only sewers can be half the cost of gravity sewers, or less. Here are the many ways you save:
Save on equipment and labor
Collection lines are shallowly buried, just below the frost line, reducing excavation costs.
Inexpensive, small diameter collection lines are used.
Expensive manholes and lift stations are eliminated.
Installation time is reduced by one-half or more, compared to gravity sewers.
Ease of installation causes less disruption to communities, allowing businesses to operate normally during
Most equipment isn’t purchased until lots are developed, which defers costs.
Save on operation and maintenance
Low maintenance requirements have been documented with liquid only sewers.
24-hour back-up storage in on-lot tanks reduces emergency calls and overtime costs.
Homeowners pay about $2.00/month in energy costs for pumps.
Residential tanks typically need pumping just once every 10-12 years, depending on the number of residents.
Save on treatment costs
Because of high effluent quality, low-cost treatment systems – such as packed-bed filters and subsurface disposal – are ideal.
Treatment facilities can be sized economically, since the whole system is designed to be watertight. There’s no need to allow for the infiltration and inflow from high stormwater flows or groundwater.